I know it sounds silly to be introducing you to goats, but come on who doesn't want to meet a goat?! Goats are very comparable to dogs in that they all have their different personalities. They are very docile animals and are loving. My goats will follow me around, even the skittish ones. They want to be petted and touched, although, I refuse to touch the bucks if I don't have to. It is true that bucks have a certain smell that is pleasing only to the female goat. If you do see me and I have the most awful smell, just know it is not me, but my bucks.
When we got started with goats, we wanted to have a theme when it came to the names we gave them. We ended up giving them the names of states because we had already started that tradition with our cats, and we just like the patriotic feel to it. Also, there are 50 states so that means we can have 50 goats, right?! We have five goats total at this time (and counting). We have two bucks (intact males), and 2 does ( females), and one very cute doeling (baby female). These goats are all so very loved. I thought the best way to introduce my goats would be with a fun survey for each one, you know those fun, yet annoying, surveys found on social media?! Oh boy! here we go. We will start with the first goat we bought:
Tenne (Tennessee)
1. Eye color? - Blue
2. Hair color? - Gold with cream
3. Which would you pick: being world-class attractive, a genius, or famous for doing something great? - Famous for being great at being world-class attractive, aren't I a genius?
4. What was your favorite toy growing up?- A large tractor tire.
5. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? - To give birth
6. What's the most beautiful place you have ever been?- South GA
7. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?- Nibble on my owner's clothes :)
8. What's your most embarrassing childhood memory? - Getting stuck in the milk stand for half a day.
9. Do you feel like a leader or follower?- Leader because I am the herd queen.
10. Who would play you in the movie of you life?- Queen Goatifah
11. If you had to live in a different state, what would it be?- Ummm Tennessee of course!
12. When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?- Cry for my human mama.
13. What's your favorite smell in the whole world?- Bam Bam when I am in heat, or if I'm not in heat, Sweet Gum tree leaves.
14.What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? -Silence of the Lambs.....
15.What trait do you like most about yourself?- My blue eyes
16. What do you like to do on a rainy day? - Hide in the house and eat hay
17. If you could be anywhere else right now where would you be?- On the other side of the fence, because the grass is always greener...
18. What keeps you awake at night? - The dogs barking
19. Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?- What's pizza?
20. What would be the title of your Netflix documentary? - You HERD me, I'm The BOSS!
Bama or Bam Bam (Alabama)
1. Eye color? -Brown
2. Hair color?- Buckskin
3. Do you feel like a leader or follower?-Leader. I am the king of this herd!
4. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?- Well I would escape my pen and go hang out with the girls all day. See if I can get a date.
5. What is your favorite smell in the whole world?- I'll give you one guess...
6. Who would play you in the movie of you life?- Buckley Cooper
7. What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?- Goatzilla
8. What superpower would you choose for one day?- A superpower of never getting full so I can eat as much as I want.
9. If you were on Shark Tank, what would your business idea be?- I think goat milk soap would be a great idea!
10. Which fashion trend would you want to bring back?- Top hats. I would look great in one.
11. Who would you choose to narrate your life?- Morgan Freeman, Der!
12. Are you easy to get along with?- No, I push around everyone in the herd.
13.What are your bad habits?- Where should I start?...I pee on my beard, I pee in my mouth, I sniff butts, I smell other goats pee, and I like to headbutt my best friend. Is that a good start?
14. Who would you like to live like for a day?- The dogs. They seem to have more freedom than us goats.
15. What's your favorite season?- Breeding season
16. What is one food you could never eat?- Goat
17. What's your dream job?- Being a herd sire to a herd of 100 does.
18. What trait do you like most about yourself?- My smell
19. What do you like to do on a rainy day?- Lay around and eat hay.
20. Which of the Seven Dwarfs is most like you?- Doc
Virgie (Virginia)
1. Eye Color?- Brown
2. Hair Color?- Chamoisee
3.What would you do if you were invisible for a day?- Eat Tenne's grain before she does.
4. What is your most embarrassing moment?- Getting a 5 gallon bucket stuck around my neck.
5. When you are having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?- Eat and eat some more!
6. What's your favorite season?- Fall, when I have my babies every year.
7. What are your bad habits?- Running from my human mama when she tries to give me medicine or a shot.
8. What accomplishment are you most proud of?- Being a great goat mom.
9. What's your favorite smell in the whole world?- My baby, Tana.
10.What are you good at?- Making funny faces and getting into trouble.
11. What trait do you like most about yourself?-My round belly. I have a LOT of room for babies.
12. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, comedy, romance, or action film?- Comedy for sure.
13. Do you prefer cats or dogs?- Cats. They come into the pen and visit us all the time.
14. What is you favorite color? - Blue. The color of Arky's eyes.
15. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? - To the neighbor's field to eat all those weeds.
16. Before kids, what did you think you would never do?- Eat my own placenta.
17. What's the first thing you do in the morning? - Go stand on the igloo and watch my human mama through the window and beg for my food.
18. Who do you most admire in your life? - Probably a farmer because they grow my hay.
19. What one thing would you take along with you to a deserted island? - My grain and lots of it.
20. Do you prefer the city, country, or beach? - I love the slow pace of the country life.
Arky (Arkansas)
Eye color? - Blue
Hair color?- Chamoise with white
What is your favorite food? - Sweetgum trees for sure
What is your favorite game? - Pin the tale on the goat
What is your worst habit? - Head butting
What do you dream of when you sleep? - Escaping my enclosure
How would you describe your perfect day? - To start I would escape my enclosure and go eat all the weeds and trees outside my pen, and then I would go to the girl's pen and make my way in there if I could. Lastly, I would take a long nap and hope no one finds me.
If you were a human would you be best friends with your owner? - Yes, as long as she keeps feeding me!
If you had a job, what would it be? - I would be in a band called "Just Kidding Around".
What is your favorite activity? - Breeding
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing? - Picking up poop in the yard.
Where is the strangest place you have urinated? - In my mouth
Why did the chicken cross the road?- To get to greener pastures
If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, what would it be called? - Peanut goop
What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street? - AAAAHHHHH!
If you were arrested what would it most likely be for? - Public urination
Are you a leader or a follower? - I'm the follower.
Which of the seven dwarfs are you most like? - Dopey
What is your most embarrassing memory? - Escaping my pen but not being able to get back inside.
If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, comedy, romance, or action film? - It would be an action comedy like "Bad Boys" but it would be called "Bad Bucks"!
Tana (Montana)
1. Eye color? - Blue
2. Hair color? - Chamoisee with white
3. How old are you? - 8 months old
4. What is your favorite food? - Mommy's milk
5. Which of the seven dwarfs are you most like? - Bashful
6. What is your favorite toy to play on? - The dog igloos
7. What is your worst habit? - Sneaking in some drinks from mama's teat even though I should have been weaned a long time ago.
8. Who do you most admire in your life? - My Mama, Virgie. She takes really good care of me.
9. What is your favorite activity? - Spastic jumping and being very cute
10. If you could wear any fashion accessory which one would you wear? - A huge JoJo bow
11. What keeps you awake at night? - Coyotes howling
12. What is your spirit animal? - A dog because MAN they get to have all the fun outside the fence!
13. What animal is the biggest party animal? - Those owls sure are a hoot so I will say owls.
14. What is the most useful invention of all time? - Those tractor implements that cut hay
15. What song would you play if you were at a party? - "Let's Goat the Party Started"
16. What is the coolest sound? - The sound of grain hitting the food pan
17. What would be your superpower? - I would like to fly so I can go on the other side of the fence.
18. If you could travel to any place on Earth, where would you go? - I would go to the mountains and climb some rocks.
19. Are you a side sleeper, back sleeper, or stomach sleeper? - I am a side sleeper and like to trick everyone into thinking I am dead.
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? - A good mother and a heavy milker
Thank you for stopping by and visiting with the goats. The goats are truly the most important part of this business and we love to show them off and share their quirkiness with everyone. I'm sure we will have many more hilarious and cute moments to share with Y'all. BAAA BAAAA for now!